The research group "Pain and Motion" is mainly concerned with the complexity of chronic pain and its effects on movement and the musculoskeletal system. The focus is on pain diagnosis with reference to people with degenerative joint diseases and within this group, patients with haemophilia are one main focus of research activities. By elucidating the pathophysiological pain mechanisms and their effects on daily life, the aim is not only to generate findings in the field of basic research, but also to expand diagnostic possibilities, which are subsequently to be transferred into clinical and scientific practice through application in pain management and in the evaluation of (new) therapeutic measures.
Another central aspect is the interaction of pain and movement, with the phenomenon of exercise induced hypoalgesia being of particular research interest. In this content various studies are being conducted to investigate the dose-response relationship of movement and the effects of different forms of stress on pain perception.
The newly generated knowledge should serve to improve the pain situation of affected persons and thus sustainably increase their quality of life.
Current research projects:
- Haem-Pain-Profile: Controlled prospective study to assess changes in the pain profile in patients with haemophilia
- PUSH / Pain-US-Haem: Assessment of pain-related alterations and structural ultrasound-findings at knee, ankle and elbow joints in patients with haemophilia – a controlled prospective study
- PAIN-RSO-HAEM: Process of pain condition in response to radiosynoviorthesis in patients with haemophilia
- CLHEAR-rFVIIIFc: Clinical and health-related outcome of rFVIIIFc prophylaxis in patients with haemophilia (in schedule)
- COPP: Comparison of pressure pain thresholds in patients with haemophilia
- Effects of exercise duration on pain sensitivity and endogenous pain modulation in healthy subjects - Influence of concentric and eccentric muscle contractions on pain sensation after isokinetic exercise in healthy subjects
Members of the research group:
- Univ.- Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. T. Hilberg
- Dr. Sportwiss. Fabian Tomschi
- PD Dr. med. Michael Böttger
- Dr. med. Thomas Cegla
- M.Sc. Marius Brühl
- M.Sc. Pia Ransmann
- M.A. Jamil Hmida
- M.Sc. Dshamilja Böing-Messing